About Us
Tetons at sunrise

Building Smart Retirement Plans That Are Different & Better - Redefining 401k. Creating a catalyst to live a better life and a business productivity tool that helps shape the culture of businesses across Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming

Expect More From Your 401K

Setting the highest standards while communicating in terms people understand. Every hard-working American deserves an opportunity to accumulate wealth and retire on their time with dignity.

Encore at a Glance


Years of Industry Experience


Plan Experience


States Served

Under 4%

of Advisors in ID, MT & WY specialize in Retirement Plans*

serving Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming

What We Do

We Build, Repair & Re-build 401ks & Retirement Plans. This is a niche market & we feel it's important to specialize, so we FOCUS 100% on Qualified Retirement Plans & 401ks. Building Smart plans that are Different & Better. Making 401k the Most Valuable Benefit for both the Employees & the Employer. We're changing employees' lives, increasing productivity and helping shape the culture of a business. 401ks represent our Patriotic Spirit.

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based in Teton Valley, Idaho

About Us

We are an Independent Registered Investment Advisor. We're fortunate to have worked with over 4000 plans, spanning 38 years of real - life industry experience, covering 6 different geographic regions. A high-volume background teaches valuable lessons. We found a way to do it differently & better. We know what works & what doesn't. Our Goals are centered around Relationships & the Highest Standards. We are building much more than a client relationship & a new 401k. We are building a community of 401k plans, where each client is like family, whose plans operate effectively at the highest levels. We take what we do seriously but don’t take ourselves seriously.

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Matt Ward and Beth Ward hiking in the Tetons

Encore Founders - Beth & Matt Ward

Did You Know?

Over 70 Million Americans

do NOT have access to any sort of retirement program, which is over 1/3 of the work force in our country. (Source - Broadcast Retirement Network - January 28th, 2023)  

We Can Help

Our Services

Building Smart 401ks & Retirement Plans that are Different

News You Can Use

The value of an investment over 10 years has a
• 99.7% chance of being positive
• 79.3% chance to at least double
• 49% chance to at least triple
• 22% chance to at least quadruple according to results from over 88 years in a leading active mutual fund family (Source - What makes American Funds different 2022 edition: Class A shares). Want more facts?

Read The News

Did You Know?

Now up to $5000 of tax credits available to start a new plan

The Plan Sponsor tax credit for starting a new plan goes from 50% to 100% per year for 3 years, max $5,000/year, for employers with 50 or fewer employees. Even more significant, there’s a new tax credit that reimburses small businesses for a portion of the employer contributions made. The tax credit starts at 100% of employer contributions made for each employee earning less than $100,000 a year up to $1,000 and phases down over 5 years from plan adoption. (Source - Retirement legislation - SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022: A boost to retirement saving – Capital Group 2023)

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Idaho, Montana, Wyoming

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Proudly Serving Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming.

*See our Compliance Disclosure, Website Terms and Conditions Page for Statistic Sources and Additional Information.

Statistic Sources