About Us

What Makes Encore 401k Different


73% of Americans rank their finances as the No. 1 stress in life.*

We help Small & Mid-sized Businesses make a difference in the lives of their employees & impact their business in ways far beyond what they expect. It's our process at Encore. The American Dream DOES exist, and a 401(k) is an excellent vehicle to make it happen if built right- it should be the Most Valuable Benefit for both the Employees and the Employer. *(Source: Capital One CreditWise Survey, Dec 29 2022.)

What Makes Encore 401k Different

  • Exclusively FOCUS on Qualified Retirement Plans & 401ks. This is a niche market & it’s important to specialize.
  • High-volume background, within the retirement plan & finance industry, teaches valuable lessons. We found a way to do it differently.
  • Registered Investment Advisor NEW in 2023.

  • Based in Teton Valley, Idaho and exclusively service this very special Big Sky Region.  
  • Fully-independent, built to eliminate conflicts of interest and operate with complete objectivity & autonomy.
  • Acknowledge there are systemic problems in our retirement plan industry, that have perpetuated for decades, especially in the small to mid-sized market. We know how to navigate around these.

  • Meet one-on-one with employees, get to know them by name and they get to know us.
  • Communicate in terms people understand & can relate to.
  • High-functioning 401ks plans are multi-dimensional. We build all 5 components to operate at the highest level.

  • 40 years of experience as a 401k plan participant. We personally experienced the impact 401ks have on our entire family’s lives.
  • Encore is a Plan Fiduciary
  • Surround ourselves with a wealth of excellent resources & industry thought leaders.

  • Provide a simple, affordable solution for small & start-up plans.
  • Different method for constructing fund menus AND have different measures to evaluate funds.
  • Different approach toward employee education. 

  • Utilize often overlooked & undervalued plan provisions, to re-state plan design.
  • Host an ongoing video education series covering current relevant topics for both plan sponsors & participants.
  • Reframe & change the narrative of retirement plans & 401ks.

Insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results.

Albert Einstein

Our Goal is NOT to be the biggest...

Our Goals are centered around Relationships & the Highest Standards - Revolutionize how Plan Sponsors & Participants Experience their 401k, Build Smart Plans that are Different AND Make it The Most Valuable Benefit.  Our main theme with Cost - Affordable, Simple & Transparent. We are building a community of 401k plans, where each client is like family, which has a cascading effect on the community, region, state and our country.

great gray owl


 At Encore 401k, LLC. We Believe…

  • Our retirement plan industry needs less noise, fewer talkers and more competent doers
  • As an industry, we need to set higher standards & expect more from our 401(k)s, especially in the small and mid-size market.   
  • We should be cautious with & rely less on messaging from "perceived experts" promoting biased agendas or compromised narratives. 
  • 401(k) is multi-dimensional. High-functioning plans execute ALL 5 dependent components.
  • Too many plans have been established by "slinging products" and not by "consulting on behalf of the client." (Source: The Magazine of Wealth Management.com – Feb 27, 2018).
  • 401k should be a Noble Cause & Business Productivity tool.
  • 401(k) should be The Most Valuable Benefit for BOTH the Employees and the Employer. 
  • "Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication"
  • A healthy, high-functioning 401(k) is a Patriotic Program.   
  • The American Dream DOES exist and 401k should be an important contributor  
  • Understanding Investment Fundamentals DOES help improve participant outcomes. However, Market Forecasts and Economic Outlooks are typically wrong and DO NOT help improve participant outcomes.
  • Financial illiteracy is a devastating problem, impacting our country in too many destructive ways
  • One-on-one meetings with employees in 401k plans is crucial.
  • There is a lack of creativity & effectiveness in most 401k employee education meetings.
  • You should ask your 401k advisor their background, experience servicing 401k plans AND how long they have been a 401k participant. There’s a big difference between 10 years of experience AND 1 year of experience repeated 10 times.
  • Taking what we do seriously but not ourselves seriously.
  • Rural America (especially Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming) can teach valuable life lessons, to those paying attention.  

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost


SIMPLE or SEP v 401k?

If you currently have a SIMPLE or SEP, have you considered graduating to a 401k? Many SIMPLEs and SEPs would be better suited with a 401k. Does this apply to you? Give the 401k Repairman at Encore a call.

Give us a shout!

Our Services

Curious how we go about making all this Difference for Retirement Plans?

Learn more about our approach and how our ongoing support makes a powerful impact in the Big Sky Region.

Evaluation & Discovery Service
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming

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We won't share or sell or send you too many emails. Just an occasional chunk of "News You Can Use" to help you as a Plan Sponsor & for your Participants .