About Us


Our main theme with cost - Affordable, Simple & Transparent. Encore 401k, LLC Services fees are customized for each Retirement Plan client based on their unique situation & needs.

Below are the main criteria for determining fees:
  • Complexity of the retirement plan
  • Plan assets
  • Services needed
  • Number of participants or eligible employees
  • Geographic location 
Fees are stated as either:
  • percentage of assets
  • flat dollar amount
  • combination of both
Fee can be collected 3 different ways:
  • Billed direct to the plan sponsor
  • Deducted from Plan assets
  • Combination of both

To support an important & underserved market, we created a business model to offer a simple & affordable solution for small & start-up plans.

Encore 401k, LLC Plan Sponsor Service Agreement spells out the exact fees for each client and is created based on needs & what we learn at our Discovery meeting.

There's a way to do it better--find it!

Thomas Edison


Employers might have it wrong!

"74% of sponsors sight the #1 reason they do not intend to offer a retirement plan is they are too small & believe the cost will be too high." This is unfortunate because there are very affordable 401k options for small plans. (Source: Transamerica Institute, "Navigating the Pandemic: A Survey of U.S. Employers," June 2021.)

Call your 401K Repairman Today!
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming


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